Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Dinagyang Experience

"My Dinagyang Experience"

 Dinagyang Experience in Filipino's life is traditional. every year Filipino's celebrate it with open arms despite the fact that their are lots of people who wants to witness the Dinagyang festival. They conquer the heat of the sun even when the rain pours down the crowd. 

 Speaking of dinagyang experience, i didn't come to the festival, it's because my parents didn't allow me to come.
 I celebrate dinagyang in the middle of the sea( char.. )together with my cousin which is a girl also. , "in short nag pakasubo kame to". we escape in our house just to hung out somewhere so that no one can indulge our moment of sadness. But unfortunately "ang abi namun nga mapangasubo", it become enjoyment, We start boating around 9:00 am and come back around 12:00 am, we sail the boat "nga may dala-dala nga cellphone", we take pictures, were even got stranded in the sea, but my cousin yan-yan know how to rowing, because shes a student of John B Lacson and its a part of their school to teach each student to learn how to manage a boat.

 So in the end  that's my Dinagyang Experience. Even though I'm not around in Dinagyang Festival i still enjoy being at home.

Thursday, January 20, 2011



By the Way                            -BTW
Got to GO                              -GTG

No Problem                            -NP

Thank You                              -TY

As Soon as Possible               -ASAP

Group Message                      -GM

Group Text                             -GT

Eye Ball                                 -EB

Name, Address, Sex, Location -NASL

Many to Mention                     - M2M

Oh my Gosh                            -OMG

Take Care                               - TC
Bad Influence                          -BI

Over Acting                             -OA

Ok                                          -K

Come Back Soon                     -CBS

Text you Later                          -TYL

I Love you                                -143

Personal Message                    -PM

Good Morning                           -Gd am
Good  Afternoon                       -Gd pm

Good Evening                          -Gd Eve

Laughing out Loud                   -LOL

Dont Skip                               -DS

Sure why Not                        -SWN

No thanks                              -NT


Top Ten Computer Viruses

Top Ten Computer Viruses

  2. The CIH virus 
  3. Melissa
  4. Code Red
  5. SQL Slammer
  6. MSBlast
  7. Sobig
  8. Sasser
  9. MyDoom
  10. Bagle     

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Comp 122

Internet Concept